Wednesday, March 30, 2011


I want to share with you a concept, that is so powerful, every person who has understood its nature has had immediate and dramatic results.

Napolean Hill said, what you think is what you create. Jesus said, if you think of it, it’s as if you have already done it. Hermes said the same thing, using far more complicated and detailed explanations. Even quantum physicists talk about this, and I think this is a pretty well accepted concept; that what you think does impact your life.

Sooooo, to simplify the concept that your thoughts create your life, look at it this way. That which you are attached to, you are passionate about, and your thoughts are constantly flowing this energy, to the extent that they impact your actions and thus your life. But I’m sure you have already heard all of this.

What I would like to do is offer something more, which has it’s foundation in this concept and is something that will help you to take even greater control over your life and world.

Did you know that your WORDS create reality! This is a spiritual law, thus true for everyone: Creation is formed through RAYS. The first ray is Letters, in very simplistic terms these are shapes that are used to create forms. The second ray is Numbers, which define the frequency, or vibration of the forms. This defines the dimension, or density of creation. The third ray is Sound, which vibrates the letters and numbers into a cohesive structure. Look at it this way, every thought is defined in words, and these words create an image in your mind. This image is form and the basis for your actions.

The words spoken flow from you to the ears of those around and impact the thoughts of others, thus influencing their lives. And yes the words of others directly impact your thoughts as well. This is why the company you keep is so influential in your life. If you want to change your life, you must change the nature of the relationships and even eliminate the relationships that reinforce destructive patterns; at least until you have gained mastery over these patterns in your thoughts and deeds.

Secondly, the words you speak create forms which impact the energy surrounding your body, actually placing the images of your thoughts into your aura. This is how you create interactions with people in the world. This is how everyone knows if you are feeling bad or good, or how most psychics are able to read you and tell you what is happening in your life. They are able to sense your energy and thoughts picking up on the images you are sending out through your aura.

Thirdly, the words you speak actually vibrate your body. They shake the very muscle, flesh and bones of your physical body! In doing so, they transfer the vibration of the words you speak into your body. This changes the vibration of your form to match the frequency of the words you are using. The more you use words of a specific frequency, the more this impacts and changes your life. This is the foundation behind affirmations.

However, I would like to take this a step further and state that anything you say directly impacts you 10 times more than anyone else. So much so, that every criticism and judgment you express directly creates that energy in your life. Conversely every encouraging and empowering thing you express enhances your own ability to transform your life to something greater.

The vocalized word form itself is enough to impact the physical world. However, when it is compounded by the power of your emotions, which then greatly increase the density of the form, the impact on your actions become obvious. Emotions are the heaviest thing in the world; nothing is heavier. Nothing can stop you faster or more definitively than negative emotional desire or attachment. Nothing has greater influence in your life than your emotions, especially those of doubt, unworthiness, fear and rejection. Positive emotions, light and passion create strength, faith, love, joy and self-worth, and this directly fuels your thoughts and words in to actions. Therefore, positive emotions are the fire that fuels all creation. Combined with positive thoughts and words you will quickly open new doors for a better life.

It is because of this spiritual truth, that the ancients said “So it is said, so shall it be done!”

Speak only of things that are TRUE or that you want in your future.

-John Evans

Monday, March 7, 2011

Clearing Your Space

While the subject of prosperity and the tools necessary are many, a few tools are foundational. For example, being bold and taking immediate action on your desires. Indeed it is better to take quick action and make a mistake, than to take no action at all, for that guarantees failure. Positive mental attitude and good self image sustains mental health, which overrides fatigue and burnout, while it also opens doorways of opportunities. And probably a more subtle foundational piece, which is often disregarded, is organization and cleanliness.


Everything is energy. This is fairly common knowledge at this point. And everything is a reflection of everything else. Clutter, disorganization in your environment, is a reflection of the clutter and internal resistance to your natural flow. While physical abundance comes from interactions with other people, the energy of prosperity is a river which flows through the layers of our consciousness, which defines our actions. This, in turn, impacts how we interact with others.

A disorganized and chaotic environment is a symptom of internal blockage to your flow. And this has been taught by many, especially in the field of feng shui. But from an esoteric point of view, it is not enough to just clean and organize your space, you must clean and organize your own internal energy.
This can be done with meditation, proper eating, breathing, and taking days for play and joy. As we do our own internal spiritual work, we clear up our attachments and our frustrations, letting go of these distractions, and freeing us to create, according to our joys and passion, our true strength.


In addition, I offer another piece of information. It is important to energetically clean your space. And so I present several methods that are highly effective. Cleaning and organizing your home and cleaning the energy of your space, will help to relieve pressure that will allow you to flow more effectively and consistently in life, while you are doing your internal work.

How to Clear Your Space


Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the Earth. And in so doing, through their lives here, they will eventually learn, that the only way to create change, and the life you deserve is to be bold. To be courageous. To go for your dreams!

Take a look at the life of any great person, and they dared to step out into the world and make a change. Many people confuse meekness with humility, and often confuse humility with simply being kind. Most people can agree that a humble person does not talk about himself or brag (this is false pride). But true humility is something far different. It is to accept your purpose and your mission in life as agreed to between you and God. In other words, being the absolute best that you can be, despite the fears and doubts of those around you. Gandhi is the most recent Master to live this example, as did Mother Theresa.

Most of us in this world focus on being kind, compassionate, having a good life, and caring for others. And this brings us much credit in the form of positive spiritual energy. Which then can be utilized in times of trouble and need, when we get help from unexpected sources. Indeed miracles can happen this way. However, to live the life of a Magus or Divinely empowered human being, is to create miracles and overcome seemingly insurmountable odds consistently. This is done by harnessing the power of Love and Grace and Kindness by the Strength of Faith and the Courage and Strength of God. In essence, the TRUTH about yourself, that you are a Divine Being, with all of the power and qualities thereof.

As practical application, courage and strength is best described as being bold, and is best harnessed by accepting your own greatness, your own qualities and virtues, and acting upon your dreams and desires that do not cause harm to anyone.

Remember, the very first commandment of God is to be fruitful and multiply. We are created in the image of God, and carry the strength, the love and power of God to create in harmony with all things.

“Fortune favors the bold” (Virgil)

It is far easier to discuss things and debate and contemplate, than it is to actually take action. These are the distractions that block us from our own true greatness. You came to this world as a Divine Being, with knowledge that only you have about a particular skill or quality. You are a unique and perfected expression of the Great Divine, and the more you awaken and express this quality, the better the world becomes. In these times of great change, those who dare to embrace their own greatness and share it with the world, can empower thousands.

I leave you with a quote, from perhaps the greatest philosopher of the 19th century, Eliphas Levi. “Nothing can resist the will of man when he knows the truth and wills the good.”