Saturday, January 1, 2011

Turbo Charge Your New Year's Resolution

As with all things in life, as one thing ends another begins. 2010 has come and is leaving, and with it is the birth of 2011. Two plus eleven equals thirteen, and thirteen is a magickal number. It is the higher octave of four, which are the four elements of creation. 2011, a four year, carries with it a vibration of creating from a higher spiritual purpose.

As the new year roles in, hopes and dreams are created. Hopes that the challenging experiences of years past are concluded, and that the rewards gained from overcoming those shadows bear fruit in the year to come.

There are many ways to release old energies from past experiences. Some people like to write them down and burn them. Others simply like to communicate with the people they've had experiences with, and forge new better connections.

Whatever method you choose to let go of things from years gone past, I hope that you include with this, a spark of gratitude, for it is unfortunate but true that we tend to learn more from negative experiences than anything else.

When you release something, you create a void, where you must bring something in. Why not bring in something which you truly want? Here are ways, specific to your element, that have proven to be highly successful.

For those of you that are very energetic, you can do all four. If you don't know what your element is, the simple way to look at it is by your astrological sign.

The Elements
Fire: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius.
Air: Aquarius, Gemini, Libra
Water: Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio
Earth: Capricorn, Taurus, and Virgo

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