Sunday, December 26, 2010

Giving and Receiving

Of giving and receiving, I think I enjoy receiving most, don't you? It is awesome to receive the gifts of others. I love receiving gifts, because there are so many cool things in this world. Plus when I open gifts, I get a little excited . Giving is pretty cool too, because it also means "I appreciate you," or "I care about you."

But, did you know (I'm sure you did), that it is only by giving and receiving that everything in the world is created. Creation is a two part process. You must give your ideas, your joy and your energy. If you have employees, you must give money, and if you care about productivity and loyalty, you must also give appreciation in exchange for work and services. Friendships and partners, require sharing and connecting on a far more personal and deeper level.

Giving and receiving is not just about material things, but expressing your own true nature without fear. The most powerful gift you can exchange is joy; it connects us to love and has the power to overcome and redefine all things. In essence, the building block of all creation.

The nature of giving is to say to the Universe, "I can." It is an expression of your confidence and compassion. Consequently, the nature of receiving, is to say to the universe, "I believe you can." When you receive from others, you are honoring their flow, their prosperity, their divine potential for creation.

The concept that it is "better to give than receive" is a principle of selflessness, humility and compassion. However, from this act you are setting forces in motion as a consequence of your actions.

While giving is divine, so too is Receiving divine. It is often easier for spiritual/kind people to give and difficult to receive. Giving initiates the flow of creation but it is only by receiving that creation can be formed. Receiving is accepting and this must be in totality, meaning without judgment or expectations. Receiving completes the balance of flow and allows energy to return to the source.

As you give to others it sets energy in motion to return back to you, which is amplified by the quality of your giving. The purer the act i.e... no manipulation or acts of fear, then the greater the return. However, if you do not accept the gifts of others, if you cannot receive with an open and appreciative nature, that energy that you created by your giving goes to someone else!

When you receive, be it light and joy from God, or gifts and appreciation from others, it reaffirms to you that you have value, that you are worthy. This is perhaps the most important aspect of creating, because you can only create and maintain what you accept you are worthy of having.

The gift of receiving has the greatest impact when it is done in the true spirit of Love and appreciation, and will create miracles beyond measure.

by John Evans

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Overcoming Negative Thoughts

Thoughts are Forms

According to Hermes, every thought that you have corresponds to an image.

Every idea creates a series of images, formed from your consciousness. Nebulous as they may be, your thoughts are still form. The more you believe in your thoughts, the stronger and more tangible are the forms. These thought forms gather strength and power with emotional convictions. The more passionate you are about your beliefs and thoughts, the more energy they have to attract things to you in life.

The Law of Attraction works 100% of the time. The problem is you're not always creating what you truly desire because you lapse into negative thoughts and feelings from your past human experience, your daily life.

Overcoming Negative Attraction

It is by overcoming the negative influences of your thoughts that you can have positive control of the things that you attract in life. Indeed it is essential.


15 Minute Rule- Whatever negative experience you are having, enjoy it, express it fully, experience it to its depth if need be, BUT focus on something positive WITHIN 15 MINUTES. Here is the deal, whatever you resist will persist. The worst thing you can is try to avoid or subdue your negative thoughts, the second worst thing you can is to embrace them for a prolonged period of time. By giving yourself 15 minutes to deal with a negative experience, you are allowing your body to process chemically the negative experience, and your body will deplete these negative hormones. If you go beyond 20 minutes, your body will start to create new hormones to support the negative condition, and will reinforce it for future experience in your life. If you really want to live this rule in your life, give yourself at least one hour of positive/creative experience after a negative experience. This will reinforce the biochemistry for creativity and joy, which will in essence give you strength to overcome your negative cycle next time. The more you practice this, the faster the fifteen minutes will become ten, and then five. Until you are in control of your negative emotions.
Healing Sessions
John has spent the last 7 of his 30 years of healing practice/study devoted to releasing subconscious blocks. His amazing chakra clearing session is yielding fast and dramatic results in clients. If interested, contact (sessions available via phone)
"I have no words to describe how amazing I feel!" -A.G., California

Tuesday, June 15, 2010



It takes great courage to forgive. For you must look at your own actions and how you have created this experience. It takes great wisdom to forgive. For in reviewing your actions, you must not judge them. The essence of forgiveness flows through compassion. Through the awareness that every experience brings us closer to God, and the realization that every moment in life will lead to another, and that this too shall pass. When we forgive, we allow that moment to pass. And in so, we step into the present, and only from this place may we define the life we choose to create. For if we fail to forgive, this will define our future. As well as the future of those we fail to forgive. For this is the nature of karma.

The nature of life is to live, to love, and to share all that you have, all that you are. But only through a pure heart, may the ripples of pain be soothed and the waters of life flow.

How to Forgive

To forgive yourself is to love yourself, to have appreciation for the qualities that you are. Look to your nature. Look to your actions that have brought joy to yourself and others. If the pain of sorrow is too great, the exercise of writing and burning will help with release. But one must come back to the light and write again about gratitude and appreciation of one’s nature. Look to your own reflection, with your list of gratitude and see the depths of them in your soul, through your eyes.

(If you would like further instructions about the exercises, please write

Monday, May 31, 2010


Giving is essential to all creation. When you give, several things happen. Here are a few:

-You tell the forces of creation that you are caring and willing to help others.

-You create a space that can then be filled with something else- what you want.

-You are sharing your abundance in life, which is claiming you are abundant.

-You set forces in motion, which direct the energy of what you give back to you, but in greater amount, because others have benefited from your actions.

-You build better relationships.

-You build new relationships.

-YOU FELL BETTER because you are helping your brothers and sisters.

-You stop focusing on your troubles.

-You take control of your life, because you are not afraid to give.

Giving must be sincere and useful to the recipient. It cannot be used as a manipulation, this will only come back to harm you. Do not give because you have to or because you want something. Give because you understand its power and can do so because you care about those you give to. Do not give to your pain or loss this will only create negative feelings when you fail to get what you want as this is a manipulation of this principle of creation.

By the way, the easiest thing to give is a SMILE, it sends a ripple of joy into the world which flows healing and passion to all. VERY POWERFUL!

Giving is about energy the more positive energy you give the more positive energy you have in your life to attract and create what you want. Fear is the opposite vibration it is negative energy and the truth is ANY action base on a fear or doubt will lead to some form of conflict. So Give from the Heart and take action from your heart without fear and you walk down the road to GREAT discoveries and creation!

John Evans


Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Helping Cupid

While relationships can be difficult, they are definitely worthwhile. One way to smooth out the rough edges of a relationship is by choosing a partner that is mutually supportive in life. The best way I have found in attracting the kind of partner I want is by defining the kind of person that I wish to be in a relationship. The things that I wish to accomplish, the kind of interactions I wish to share and experiences I wish to create. The more I clearly define the kind of person that I wish to be when in a relationship, the more confident I feel about myself and my life. Then as I start to act as this person, I lay the groundwork for the person that can fulfill these roles with me in my life. In short, my focus is on being the kind of person that I want to be if I were to have the person of my dreams and I live my life as this person, which allows the person of my dreams to enter into my life.



“Movement is passion…Action and passion are identical” Hermes

The true source of all creation is our passion to move forward in life. God created all things from this source. We create life from this source, be it physical passion or spiritual passion, all action flows from this source. In these difficult times, it is easy to get caught up in the struggles of life. The solution is to focus on your joys and passion. What are you grateful for? What makes you want to laugh and sing and dance. Hold on to these feelings as you engage in the creative process of your future. Cultivate passion until a burning desire for life and all of its rewards flow through your very veins. And from this all action will be inspired.

If the focus of the activity is to do good, to bring light and hope to others, then your creation will benefit those around you. And by this virtue of the source being love and light, do you spread light unto the world. This light in turn, must complete its cycle and come back to you, for all energy travels in a circle. The law of karma, or as Hermes calls it, fate. The greater your passion and joy in your activity, the greater the results and the faster the transition into creation and return. This passion is the first world of creation; it is the divine spark that compels us to fulfill our true purpose in life and aligns us with the true flow of love and abundance.